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Hi, my name is Zekang Cheng (程泽康) and I came from Linquan, Anhui (安徽临泉). Currently I am a quantitative analyst in Citigroup, based in London. I work with the trade data of FX STIRT (Short Term Interest Rate Trading) and linear FX trading. I have also worked in FX options trading and quant team, as well as the Equities central risk team.

I obtained my Ph.D. degree at the Engineering Department at University of Cambridge, advised by Dr. Jie Li. During my Ph.D. I worked on a finite element method to solve multiphase problems numerically using an adaptive moving mesh. This method was used to investigate some interesting interfacial flow problems, including droplet formation, droplet collision, liquid bridge breakup etc. Before Cambridge, I studied in University of Science and Technology of China and graduated in 2014 with a Bachelor's degree in theoretical and applied mechanics.

In my free time, I enjoy swimming, cycling, running, reading and walking. I am an amateur triathlete and occasionally participate in triathlon races.


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Your City, State 12345

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